ZOOM Teeth Whitening for Dazzling Results

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If you are interest in brightening your smile but do not wish to resign yourself to the time required by most commercial whitening treatments available in stores, our dentist and team would be happy to provide ZOOM, a professional teeth whitening treatment that offers dramatic results!

ZOOM teeth whitening is simple, yet can produce your desired results in as little as one appointment at our dental office. The process of ZOOM teeth whitening is performed in about four steps:

Step 1: When you arrive at Diana Craft Dental, you will be seated in a comfortable dental chair while we take steps to protect your gums and lips from the whitening solution.

Step 2: After applying the bleaching solution to your smile, we activate it using a special light, which requires about 15 minutes.

Step 3: Depending on the results you want, we may repeat Step 2 more than once.

Step 4: At the end of your visit, you can recieve a touch-up whitening kit to keep your smile bright at home, which includes whitening gel and custom-made whitening trays, as well as professional recommendations on avoiding certains foods and products so that you don’t develop tooth stains.

For more information about the benefits of ZOOM teeth whitening in San Clemente, California, and to schedule your appointment with Dr. Diana Craft, our dentist, please call Diana Craft Dental at 949-218-0433 today.