Smile Therapy: Dental Anxiety Therapy

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Have you ever found yourself feeling extreme concern or worry about visiting the dentist office? If so, you may suffer from a condition that is commonly known as dental anxiety. Dental anxiety arises due to fears associated with visiting your dentist or receiving any oral health care treatments. Luckily, it is a treatable condition with numerous techniques and therapies to help alleviate any concerns you may have.

If you’re suffering from dental anxiety, the first thing you should do is tell your dentist. Your dentist needs to know if you are suffering from dental anxiety as they can help assist you as best they can. Furthermore, fear of the unknown is often linked to anxiety, so extra knowledge may be able to help alleviate fears.

Other treatments can be done at home, including meditative therapies before you come to the office for your visit. It’s also a good idea to breathe deeply and slowly and count your breaths. By working on your breathing patterns, you can help alleviate numerous forms of stress. Other potential treatments include calming and relaxing music, stress balls and fidget spinners, body scans, and muscle concentration therapies.

With dental anxiety therapy and the skilled expertise of our team at Diana Craft Dental, we can make sure you receive the oral health care you need. Dr. Diana Craft and our team can be reached by calling us at 949-218-0433 to schedule an appointment with us at our dentist office in San Clemente, California.